Recent Study Finds New Ways to Fight Cognitive Decline

Click to registerUp until just recently, the brain’s method of clearing away waste and toxins has been a mystery to scientists. While we’ve long known that the lymphatic system was the clearing house for the rest of the body, it wasn’t until a short time …

Cognitive Decline: Where Mainstream Media Misses The Mark

Click to registerAfter almost 40 years, modern medicine is stilling failing in the quest for the cure for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of cognitive decline. Alas, Alzheimer’s disease is still considered by conventional medicine to be a degenerative and irreversible condition. Before you give …

Breathe at Your Own Risk

Click to registerAir pollution is a serious offender when it comes to cognitive decline risks. Click to learn more about how to take control of your air quality. In a new study, researchers came to the dramatic conclusion that there’s an undeniable relationship between air …

6 Newly Disovered Causes Of Cognitive Decline And Alzheimer’s

Click to registerEveryone wants to know how to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and now we are one giant step closer to knowing how. Chronic or traumatic damage to brain cells sets the stage for cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. But we can’t stop there-the key to …

Does Having Diabetes Put You at Risk for Cognitive Decline?

Alzheimer’s Treatment San DiegoA recent study suggests that it is not the presence of diabetes that poses a risk for cognitive decline as much as it is living with uncontrolled or poorly managed diabetes that puts one at risk for a decline in cognition. High …

Brain Health Nutrition – The Top 5 Tips to Eat for Optimal Brain Health

Brain Health Nutrition Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline are multifactorial.  What we do know is that maintaining a healthy immune system, staying active and engaged, and eating a nutrient-dense diet are all protective against developing the devastating symptoms of cognitive decline. We also know that the …

Therapeutic Applications of Citicoline in Alzheimer Disease

Best Alzheimer’s Doctor San Diego – Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. Citicoline is a nucleotide found naturally in every cell in the body and increases a brain chemical called phosphatidylcholine. Citicoline was originally developed in Japan as a pharmaceutical to treat stroke and is used as …

The Top 6 Immune System Hacks to Prevent Cognitive Decline

Best Alzheimer’s Doctor California – Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. The cause of Alzheimer’s has evaded the medical world for decades, but new research suggests we may be on the path to uncovering the source of this devastating disease.  Over the last few years, evidence has …

Catch the Early Signs of Cognitive Decline and What to Do About it

Alzheimer’s Doctor in California – Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. Mild Cognitive Decline (MCI) is often brushed off as normal signs of aging. There’s no reason that your mind needs to deteriorate as you age and symptoms of decline are a warning sign that something is …

Cognitive Dysfunction and Copper Balancing Act

Alzheimer’s Doctor in San Diego Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C.Nutrients are your body’s best friends when it comes to keeping all functions and systems balanced– including that of your brain. And when your micronutrient intake is out of whack, your cognitive function may be at risk. …