Your Thyroid Might Be Making You A Debbie Downer

Click to registerA recent headline caught my attention about a celebrity who’s battling a serious thyroid disorder, and her story shines a light on the explosion of thyroid autoimmunity and complications associated with it. In her case, she developed hyperthyroidism after having a baby. This …

Hacking Your Thyroid – 4 Reasons WHY Your Thyroid Isn’t Working

Click to registerYou may already know that you have a thyroid problem but knowing is only half the battle. The only way to heal from low-thyroid is to correct root cause and not just “band-aid” the symptoms with a thyroid replacement supplement. Don’t accept the …

“Normal” Is Your New Symptom

Click to registerThe symptom list is nothing new; you’ll find the same list of ailments when self-diagnosing yourself on WebMD: fatigue, weight gain, pain, insomnia, depression, and cold intolerance. But did you know that earlier symptoms of a thyroid disorder can actually look like the …

10 Essential Labs Your Thyroid Doctor Probably Didn’t Check

Click to registerIf you are suspicious that you have a thyroid disorder, but your doctors keep telling you that everything is OK, you are not alone. In fact, most people with thyroid disorders see up to 5 doctors and spend over 5 years undiagnosed and …

How To Take Your Thyroid Supplement Safely and Effectively to Optimize Treatment

Thyroid Treatment San DiegoThe first line of therapy for most cases of hypothyroidism is thyroid replacement in the form of thyroxin (the most abundant thyroid hormone) or also called T4 either in synthetic or natural form. Occasionally therapy may include triiodothyronine or T3, the active …

Five Top Thyroid Supplements Should You Take Them or Not?

Hypothyroidism San DiegoThyroid supplements are generally taken by those who think they have sluggish thyroids, they are gaining weight for no reason or they have self-diagnosed themselves with hypothyroidism. The supplement market is eager to meet the needs of desperate consumers armed with only a …

What is Post-Partum Thyroiditis?

Best Thyroid Doctor San Diego – Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. Post-partum thyroiditis (PPT) is a condition that affects 10-22%  of women and is often attributed to the “post-partum” blues. It is caused by an inflammation of the thyroid gland that happens shortly after birth of …

Missed or Irregular Menses-8 Reasons Why You May be a Target

Best Thyroid Doctor California – Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. Missed or absent periods describe the occurrence when, after a woman has established a regular pattern of menstruation, it stops for 3 months or longer. An absent period can also occur when a woman has not …

Thyroid Dysfunction: Focus on Goiter

Thyroid Doctor in California – Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. What Is Goiter?Simply put, goiter is an enlargement of your thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is responsible for producing essential hormones such as T3 and T4, which are important for: Breathing Heart rate Operation of the …

Thyroid Issues? Eat Your Cruciferous Vegetables

Thyroid Doctor in San Diego – Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C.Cruciferous vegetables contain a variety of chemicals classified as glucosinolates as well as sulforaphane, a phytochemical metabolite thought to be responsible for all the wonderful benefits attributed to the cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables include the following: …