Unlocking True Freedom: Reversing Diabetes and Regaining Control

Living with diabetes can be incredibly frustrating. The constant reliance on medications and medical treatments to regulate your blood sugars can feel like being chained to a never-ending cycle.  The loss of freedom, dietary restrictions, and the constant anxiety about your health will take a …

5 Warning Signs Your Gut Is Making Your Diabetes Worse (and How To Reverse It).

Are you struggling to manage your diabetes, despite doing everything you can?  It may surprise you to know that the solution to your problem could be in your gut. That’s right – an unhealthy gut can lead to and worsen the symptoms of diabetes.  But …

The Diabetes Epidemic: Why Medication May Not Be Enough

If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you may feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of high costs, fluctuating blood sugar levels, and poor health, despite following your doctor’s advice and taking medication.  Unfortunately, this is the reality for many people with diabetes. However, …

5 things you can start TODAY to prevent diabetes

There are a lot of misconceptions about health out there.  Are you worried about developing diabetes because your parents or siblings have it?  If so, you’re a victim of one of the most common, incorrect beliefs about how diabetes works.  It’s time to bust the …

Stop Living in Fear: Take A Proactive Approach to Your Health Instead

What have you invested more time and effort into lately – your car or your health?  You take your car in for regular tune-ups and maintenance to prevent bigger problems down the line, but do you do the same for your body? Most of us …

Diabetes: Is It In Your Genes?

Habits are learned from the people around us.  So if your parents are athletes, chances are you’ll naturally develop a physically active lifestyle. On the flip side, if you grow up in a house with creative parents who love art but hate to cook, you …

Why Just Diet and Exercise Alone Won’t Reverse Type II Diabetes: Uncovering the Root Causes You Need to Know

Millions of people worldwide are struggling to heal their bodies from a type II diabetes diagnosis – are you one of them?  Many are told by their doctor that changing their diet and increasing physical activity will be enough to reverse it, but sadly this …

What Does Reversing Diabetes REALLY Mean?

Diabetes is a complex chronic condition affecting millions of people worldwide. The traditional approach to managing diabetes is solely focused on controlling blood sugar levels. However, relying solely on this metric for evaluating the effectiveness of diabetes management overlooks critical information. Managing diabetes means more …

Why Test Your GI For Diabetes

Why Test Your GI For DiabetesType 2 diabetes has sadly become a growing epidemic both in the United States as well as in other places around the world. Today, studies show that nearly one out of ten Americans suffer from Type 2 diabetes while 25 …

Why Test Your Toxicity For Diabetes + Thyroid

Why Test Your Toxicity For Diabetes + ThyroidToxins – what and where are they?   We are constantly bombarded with toxins every single day.  Governments and organizations around the world may be fighting hard to put rules and regulations in place to protect human health …