Why Test Your GI For Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes has sadly become a growing epidemic both in the United States as well as in other places around the world. Today, studies show that nearly one out of ten Americans suffer from Type 2 diabetes while 25 percent are already headed in the wrong direction with pre-diabetes.
By 2050 the medical community might be faced with an enormous challenge as one-third of all American adults are predicted to be suffering from a Diabetic Condition by then.
Here’s part of why I find Functional Medicine to be the only right approach to take on these challenges head on.
In my opinion, it is simply the most efficient method for managing, treating and reversing Diabetes holistically and naturally through dietary and lifestyle measures rather than by masking symptoms with medicine.
With these gloomy (yet far from hopeless) statistics as an introduction, I’d thought we’d take on the theme for today’s blog post:
Why Test Your GI for Diabetes
and in particular how the GI tract is vital for how Diabetic patients should be evaluated and treated.
Let’s start off by getting the basics out of the way
What the GI does
The gastrointestinal or GI tract is a vital system in our body that consists of a number of interconnected organs that transport and break down the food we eat.
As a result of mechanical and chemical digestion, these organs diminish food into its most simple components in order for the body to absorb the nutrients it requires and expel any waste products.
The GI is normally divided in the upper and the lower GI tract and includes organs such as the pancreas, liver and gallbladder amongst others.
Moreover, the GI tract is an important area of the body that’s oftentimes associated with why people suffer from Type 2 diabetes.
A common error many commit when discussing Diabetes, laymen and professionals alike, is focusing entirely on the type of food, as well as the amount of sugar, carbohydrates etc. that is consumed.
Although what, and the way we eat matters for the progression of Diabetes, it’s far from the only area that we should be paying attention to.
Many times another organ or gland in your body could be malfunctioning, and thus contributing to your Diabetic Condition.
Why the GI’s function matters in terms of DiabetesW
Ever heard of the good ol’ saying “You are what you eat”?
Although it’s a valid quote that certainly rings true within the framework of a range of different modern medical conditions, I find “You are what you absorb” to be far more accurate and poignant when discussing Diabetic Conditions in particular.
Think about it - each time we eat the GI comes into play. As we’ve already mentioned, it’s where we digest and absorb our food.
A GI malfunction consequently implies that we are somehow failing to absorb all of our nutrients, or failing to digest properly. If you’re not absorbing your food or nutrients, you’re simply not getting what you need which can create a lack and/or deficiency in the body. This could in turn increase the risk of Diabetes.
On top of all of the above, there might be a variety of other issues going in in your GI that you might not even be aware of such as
- Bacterial infections
- Yeast
- Fungus
- Parasites
and so on…
In other words, a lot may be going on inside your gastrointestinal area and by the time symptoms show up it might already be too late (sorry for the doom and gloom guys).
What to do
Luckily, there are always alternatives, especially within the Functional Medical Community.
I typically recommend my Diabetic Patients to undergo extensive testing involving the GI tract as an initial measure.
The most common test in this regard is normally a stool test where a medical practitioner looks at your fecal matter for evidence of a medical condition. Other tests can be more specific and aimed at checking your gut for food sensitivities, leaky gut etc.
Our main objective when running these types of tests is to properly evaluate what’s going on in your gut, and assess whether it’s actually functioning the way it’s supposed to and how this is playing a role in your Diabetic Condition.
Once all the facts are in place one is normally in a far better position to embark on a healing journey to restore malfunctions and reverse Diabetes once and for all.
Concluding remarks
If you or anyone you know periodically experience any of the below symptoms, it’s likely that a gastrointestinal issue is at play which could aggravate or contribute to your Diabetes.
- Abdominal discomfort (bloating, pain or cramps)
- Unintentional weight loss.
- Vomiting and nausea.
- Acid reflux (heartburn)
- Diarrhea, constipation (or sometimes both)
- Fecal incontinence.
- Fatigue.
- Loss of appetite.
Anyone, but especially Diabetic Patients should take these symptoms, in isolation or combined and however minor they may seem at first, seriously.
Functional Medicine has been the solution for many of my patients and could be the solution for you as well!
If you’re interested in learning about the root cause of your health condition it is crucial that you team up with someone like myself who can provide a multi-disciplinary approach to treating and comprehending your condition.
Years of experience working with serious Diabetic as well as Thyroid Conditions has proven to me, time and time again, that even the most “hopeless” cases can be treated and reversed when the right measures are applied
I believe that you can heal! Do you believe me?
If you do, or even if you don’t straight away but have a gut feeling that it could be worth a shot trying I think you should reach out to me and my team TODAY!
Take a leap of faith
Schedule an appointment now!
It’s never too late to make things right and you deserve to be the HAPPIEST, HEALTHIEST VERSION OF YOURSELF.
I’ll be here every step of the way.