As we continue on this path of understanding diabetes, we’re going to talk about a hidden gland that many people may have never heard of. Many people have no idea what it is, or what it really does, even though some of the things that happen or a body, or many things that happen in our body rely on this gland and the importance of the gland. Because of this information, I’m going to talk about today, and this gland is so important to the body, I’m probably going to break up the topic into one or two, maybe three different parts. So I’m going to talk about a few things today. This gland is called the adrenal gland. Now, if you’ve never heard of this gland before, which many people have not, this gland sits on top of your kidneys. It’s also referred to as your stress gland.
I want to continue our conversation on type two diabetes, and how you can actually reverse your type two diabetes. So before we get started, I just want to review something that we spoke about last time, which is the gastrointestinal area and the impacts that it has on your diabetes and your ability to regulate blood sugar. Many individuals don’t realize how important the GI is to blood sugar and diabetes. Oftentimes, it’s just glanced over or no one’s really analyzing it. And one of the things we talked about last time was how infection patterns like bacterial infection patterns, parasites, yeast, fungus, and other types of infection patterns that may occur inside the gut. And that can lead to things like leaky gut disease.
Adrenal Gland and Stressors
So when your body is under stress, that may be physical stress, mental stress, or chemical stress. Most of us think about our physical stressors, right? So the person who cuts us off from the freeway, losing a job, losing a loved one, financial stressors, or emotional type stressors, right? They affect us emotionally. Physical stressors are going to be more like exercise, activity, injury, running, jumping, or lifting weights, those are physical traumas.
Chemical stressors are going to be more of what you eat because they’re chemicals in your food. Are you eating organic? What kind of water do you drink? What are the things inside your water? Do you have filtered water? Are you just drinking out of the tap? Are you eating more fast food or are you eating more quality food that you’re cooking? So these are types of things that are going to be more of a chemical stressor. Pharmaceutical drugs can be chemical stressors; illicit drugs, alcohol, those sorts of things. But most of us really think about stress as being emotional stress, which obviously can impact our body, but we forget about these physical and chemical stressors as well. But these stressors play a role in our adrenal gland. And one of the hormones that it produces is called cortisol.
Adrenal Gland and Weight Gain
Now, some of you have probably heard of cortisol, because you’ve heard of how it increases weight gain in the belly area. And it can cause the difficulty of losing that type of weight. But you may not realize that cortisol is also an important hormone for the regulation of stress. So when your body is under stress, cortisol helps reduce that stressful response and helps out that whole concept. So when your body and your brain are telling your adrenal gland to produce these hormones, to mitigate that stressful environment inside your body. Over time, long-term of that type of response can cause a lot of problems inside the body eventually reducing the ability to regulate blood sugars. But maybe some of you don’t know that the adrenal gland is heavily involved in blood sugar regulation, that’s one of its most important jobs.
When the liver, pancreas, and the adrenal gland are working together to constantly regulate blood sugar during times when you’re eating during times when you’re not eating. And if your adrenal gland is not functioning optimally, it could be one of the underlying reasons why you can no longer regulate your blood sugars. Think about it, those of you right now that are dealing with diabetes, or you know someone in your family or in your life that’s dealing with diabetes, think about and ask the question, has your doctor ever analyzed the adrenal gland? And if I asked that question, if you’re in the room right now listening to me, most of you would say, “No, I have not had my adrenal gland analyzed. I didn’t even know what it was. I never heard about it before, and how it can influence my diabetic condition.”
Adrenal Gland needs to be analyzed
So we have a gland and one of its major jobs is to regulate blood sugar, but it’s not being analyzed. That’s a problem, right? So and it goes back to the common theme that I constantly talk about in these articles, is that in the drug therapy model, in the traditional medical model, the treatment of choice is drugs or pharmaceuticals, to manage the diabetic condition, to help lower blood sugars, to modulate to your ability to regulate your blood sugars, and to forcibly make your body reduce those blood sugars, not to help find out what the problem is, what is the underlying cause? Why are you not able to regulate blood sugar on your own any longer? So when you’re not running the proper testing and the analysis, you’re going to miss a lot of these things.
Now, analyzing the adrenal gland is very easy, right? There are two different tests that we use in our office. Depending on the patient, depending on the situation. One of them is a saliva test which is an ability to analyze your hormones, not only your female and male hormones but also your ability to measure cortisol levels. We can then measure your cortisol levels to determine if your adrenal gland responding appropriately? Or is it not responding appropriately? And that can tell us the functionality of your adrenal gland. If you’re not looking at the body appropriately, you’re gonna miss a lot of things. These are some of the things that I talked about in my book: How To Reverse Your Diabetes? We talked about the different organs that are involved in the adrenal gland being one of the most important ones that should be analyzed.
There’s another test that can be run, which is done through urine
It is going to measure the metabolites. Your ability to not only produce cortisol in your body to use cortisol but also how is it using cortisol inside the system as well? So we not only can look at how much cortisol your tissues are using as we do on the saliva test. But we can see how much your body is using and how much it’s utilizing and how it’s being done inside your body. Is it being stored in tissues because your body is not able to handle and use it appropriately? Or is that utilizing it appropriately, so it gets a little bit more specific in the analysis? So it really depends on the patient depending on the situation.
The point is that we have the ability to analyze this. We have the ability to look deep into your body on one of the most important organs that are involved in blood sugar regulation. This needs to be done to you right now. If you have diabetes, and you have not had your adrenal gland checked, or if you have had a check because maybe you’ve gone to a practitioner like me who does this type of work. But it’s been a while since you’ve had an analysis, it needs to be analyzed because that’s going to be a determining factor if that specific gland is involved in the reason why you can no longer regulate your diabetes. So it’s really important that we look at the full big picture.
Brain Fog
Another thing, another common symptom that I hear my patients talking about quite often is they tend to get brain fog, they tend to get memory loss. Now we know that glycol toxicity or elevated glucose levels in the body can break down nerves. This is why we get things like neuropathies, numbness, tingling in the extremities like the feet or the toes, and burning sensations in pain. So it’s because this elevated blood sugar situation is breaking down the nerves. They’re killing the nerves and the response is a neurological response, like numbness or tingling, basically a calling out saying help help help.
The same thing can happen in the brain. So the nerve cells can start to break down because of the elevated blood sugar, which is referred to as glycol toxicity. It’s toxic to the brain. As it starts to break down the brain, it starts to downsize or shrink the brain over time, which is why these individuals who have diabetes are such in high risk of developing what’s called type three diabetes, which is Alzheimer’s disease. That’s a very important concept. But anyone you know, who has diabetes right now, is that a major risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease? So it’s so imperative, I talked to a lot of diabetics, and many times, they’re telling me, “Oh, I feel fine, I’m healthy.” Because they don’t have symptoms.
Diabetes – A Silent Killer
Well, I can tell you the reason why they call diabetes a silent killer for a specific reason because of the symptoms as they finally occur. It’s usually at a bad place. They’re really significant at that time. So why not take care of it before it becomes an issue. But not only does high glucose increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, type three diabetes, if you will. But we know the adrenal gland and the elevated levels of cortisol and how the cortisol response works inside the body can also impact the ability of how the brain functions. Cortisol will impact the specific area of your brain called the hippocampus.
The hippocampus is a very important area because that’s where most of the memory centers are. So we’re dealing with things like Alzheimer’s, the hippocampus is traditionally one of those main areas that are associated in the temporal lobe of the brain that’s associated with downsizing, which can create Alzheimer’s condition and memory loss. So the cortisol level can also play a role in that. Not only can the cortisol level be a beneficial thing by helping you reduce stress inside your body and help you regulate blood sugar through the adrenal gland response, but it can also be a negative response when we have it, producing it, high levels constantly and continuously.
Most of us live in a state of stress
We live in this high impact, high stressful environment, not only from gravity pushing downwards, which is physical stress but to the emotional things that we’re dealing with every single day. If we’re not doing things to reduce our stress levels, that might be meditation, that might be exercise, that might just be having positive thoughts, especially in this day and age, and things that we’re dealing with right now. But there are so many things that can be done on a health level to make sure that you are functioning better at a higher quality level.
I’m just talking about one specific area of your body, which is referred to as the adrenal gland. The adrenal gland is a massively important gland that not only is involved with your blood sugar regulation and helping diabetic conditions but it’s also involved in stress and in brain function. And there are other areas that are involved as well. But because I told you this gland is so important and so impactful for the body, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get through this video in one on one video. So what I’m going to do is we’re going to continue on this adrenal gland evaluation in our next article. We are being constantly bombarded with pharmaceutical drugs and our body has the ability to heal and its core value.
We have the ability to heal
Think about the last time you cut yourself. Did you need to go to a doctor for that cut? Unless it was a major cover cut and you needed stitches, you were able to heal on your own, maybe put a bandaid on there. But you’d have to think about and say, “heal, heal, heal,” your body naturally did it and knew exactly what it needed to do. Well, diabetes and other health conditions are no different. The difference is that the environment inside your body is not at a place that it can heal. So if it’s not in a place that it can heal, it won’t heal. You will get sicker with time as you continue to try to manage your disease. It’s the most common reason why we see so many patients every single day that are taking multiple medications.
I’ve seen as high as 35 medications that are taken every single day because it’s just one drug after another trying to The adrenal gland is one of those areas that needs to be analyzed and needs to be addressed if it is a problem. And I can tell you from my perspective, most of the patients that I see in my office, nearly all of them have adrenal issues because they’re not being looked at, they haven’t been analyzed appropriately. So hopefully that you know this is the right step and the right direction, that this could help you, or maybe someone else that you know that is dealing with diabetes, or maybe they’re just dealing with some other problems that can be associated with the adrenal gland, which we’ll talk on the next article. Connect with us on the Facebook page.