Organic vs. Non-Organic: What You Need To Know
In this week’s blog, we’re going to focus on the difference between buying organic food vs. non-organic. Many people think there is no difference between organic and non-organic food and that it’s just some kind of money grab, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The real truth is that so much food sold in supermarkets is filled with and covered in pesticides and other harmful chemicals. These chemicals wreak havoc on the body, specifically the gut and liver, and cause many problems.
Here are some reasons to buy organic in different food groups:
- Spinach and Kale
These veggies are typically high in pesticides. If you can, buy them from a local farmers market where you can make sure they’re grown without synthetic chemicals. If you cook these vegetables, it may lower their pesticide level, but it may also take away some of the nutrients. - Potatoes
Root vegetables can take in the pesticides and fertilizers added to the soil. So both conventional and organic potatoes may have chemicals. Because Americans eat so many potatoes, it’s safest to choose locally grown ones that you know aren’t treated with chemicals as often. And, again, make sure to wash them. - Beef and Pork
Organic cows and pigs aren’t given antibiotics, and the widespread use of these drugs is causing a rise in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Also, organic meat with an “American Grassfed” seal means the animal was raised in pastures on a diet of grass and forage. Note that with conventional pork, the pigs can be fed animal byproducts, while cows cannot. - Poultry and Eggs
As with beef and pork, to minimize the use of antibiotics and the issue of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Note that, unlike organic poultry, conventional poultry can be given feed that contains mammal or avian byproducts such as manure. - Microwave Popcorn
This is one you may not have thought of, but it’s still very important. For years, many microwave popcorn bags used perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) to prevent the kernels from sticking. After it was linked to some cancers, the FDA banned it. But scientists are concerned that the chemicals used in their place may not be safe, either. What’s more, research shows that an ingredient in artificial butter may lead to breathing problems. Go organic or use an air-popper or the stovetop -- and add your own flavors.
Even organic food can legally have small amounts of pesticides on them, so you need to be frequently evaluated to make sure that you’re not being hurt by the pesticides in your body. You can reach out to my office and schedule a one-on-one consultation where we’ll go over your health history and symptoms, schedule tests if needed, and get to the bottom of what’s going on in your body. This is a great way to make sure that you’re staying toxin free.