From Integrative Wellness Center of San Diego Concerning COVID-19
Dear Valued Patient,
If you watch certain media outlets, FEAR is being stoked and estimates about how bad this might get are skyrocketing.
WE think this is a worst case scenario and doesn’t represent a likely scenario.
We think it’s prudent to prepare for the worst, and at the same time be HOPEFUL for the best.
Here’s what our medical experts are not telling you…
Yes – wash your hands and practice social distancing.
But no one is talking about the obvious.
It’s the soil (your immune system) – NOT the seed (COVID-19).
In other words, right now the health of your immune system is PARAMOUNT.
You must create resiliency!
We encourage you to be proactive in supporting and building up your immune system with the building blocks it needs to mount an adequate and life-saving response.
We have put together a research-based (references below) nutritional protocol that is designed to support your body’s response to viruses.
Our families are on this protocol, as well as many other Functional Medicine docs and their patients around the United States.
This 30-DAY research-based protocol is a 4-part immune supportive / antiviral strategy.
It’s designed to:
Inhibit Viral Acquisition
Inhibit Viral Replication
Support Your Cells Systems
Provide Immuno-modulation
If you would like to put yourself and your family on this immune supportive and antiviral protocol:
CLICK the link below to purchase and pay.
Kit(s) will be shipped to you (they are not available in the office).
Follow the directions in the attached supplement schedule once your products have arrived (see product descriptions below).
Immune Support Kit Options
If you’re super focused on your budget right now, but know you need this support - This is your kit.

Enhanced $397.86
This is the Doctor Preferred kit. This is the kit the Doctors and their families are on, and thus the one they recommend.

This kit is designed for patients who are at the highest risk for infection, disease, and death due to COVID-19. If you suffer from chronic disease like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, immuno-suppression, etc. this kit is ideal.
**To be clear – All kits pack a serious immune boosting punch. You can’t go wrong with any of these options to provide yourself and your family the support and protection needed. The above are guidelines to help you choose the right kit for your situation.
** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Numerous viral agents are capable of causing acute, significant illness in patient populations.
Communicable pathogens can spread rapidly especially in vulnerable populations such as children, those with chronic diseases like diabetes and the elderly.
Quick response and proactive measures can significantly influence severity and duration of infection, as well as reduce risk for transmission.
A variety of herbs, botanicals, and nutrients possess robust antiviral properties, and can improve immune function in the presence of viral challenge.**
Basic Preventative Measures
Basic preventive measures, as well as the application of targeted nutritional compounds, such as those detailed below, provide defensive strategies for supporting immune response against acute infection.
When a community virus strikes, recommending some basic behavioral and barrier strategies to patients is warranted, especially if they are traveling and have to be in the presence of a dense population (ex. airports, planes, railways, public transportation, etc.) who may be from geographically dispersed areas.
If the virus spreads by droplets, encourage patients to sneeze into the crook of their arm at the elbow, following up with hand sanitizer. Most common viruses are not viable outside of a living host (a few hours on average), however that still leaves a window for infection.
Masks are generally a wise idea, as they provide a basic physical barrier against the spread of communicable pathogens. Medical grade masks or N-95 rated masks are effective when used properly. If infection is already present, counsel patients to rest, avoid contact with others, push fluids (with meat and vegetable stocks, simply cooked fish and vegetables, cooked fruits and copious amounts of water).
Herbs, Botanicals and Nutrients
Garlic is in a family of plants noted to contain a protein lectin that has been shown to inhibit most common viruses. Fresh, crushed garlic appears to have some anti-infective effects in the mouth and throat, but also exhibits strong activity in the lungs. Onions and leeks also have this anti-viral protein.1*
Elderberry is a medicinal plant with a long tradition of use as an effective antiviral. As with garlic, some of elderberry’s actions may be due to its ability to adhere to neuraminic acid on outer cellular membranes. Neuraminic acid is often used as a point of attack by viruses to attach to the cell using an enzyme they make called neuraminidase, which allows them to drill through the outer cell membrane and access the intracellular space. Elderberry has been shown to block neuraminidase, making it potentially effective for many viruses.2*
One additional well-studied medicinal herb that may play an important role in mitigating the severity of viral infection is Andrographis paniculata, which has an extensive research basis for supporting symptomatic relief of acute respiratory tract infections in adults.3*
Dietary Considerations
Recommend a foundational dietary plan that emphasizes micronutrients essential to optimal immune system function:
Zinc – seafood, pumpkin seed, sea vegetables, and beans, lentils and legumes
Vitamin D – salmon, fatty fish, egg yolks, cheese (if tolerable), mushrooms
Vitamin C – oranges, papayas, strawberries, kiwi, organic leafy green vegetables (spinach, bok choy, kale), broccoli, bell peppers
Vitamin A - liver, cod liver oil, mackerel, salmon; beta-carotene: sweet potato, winter squash, kale, collards, carrots
Recommend consumption of fresh garlic - crush garlic and wait up to 60 seconds to enhance formation of allicin
During active viral infection, you must maintain adequate hydration
Reduce dietary sugar & alcohol intake
Optimize omega-3 fatty acid composition of diet to support anti-inflammatory status
Support protein status (RDA: 0.8 grams per kilogram (g/kg) of body weight a day. Higher protein intake may be warranted, and can be achieved by supplementing with high-quality protein powders. Whey protein supplementation has been shown to increase glutathione levels, further supporting immune and antioxidant protection.
Lifestyle Recommendations
Sleep hygiene to ensure adequate quantity and quality of restorative rest
Reduce allostatic load via stress management techniques. Consider meditation, breath work, biofeedback.
Achieve a balanced physical activity routine to avoid excess exercise during times of immune challenge.
Additional Resources
CDC Information Page CLICK HERE
6. Echinacea and Alcohol / Food Interactions
Immune Support Kit Options

If you’re super focused on your budget right now, but know you need this support - This is your kit.

Enhanced $397.86
This is the Doctor Preferred kit. This is the kit the Doctors and their families are on, and thus the one they recommend.

This kit is designed for patients who are at the highest risk for infection, disease, and death due to COVID-19. If you suffer from chronic disease like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, immuno-suppression, etc. this kit is ideal.
**To be clear – All kits pack a serious immune boosting punch. You can’t go wrong with either of these to provide yourself and your family the support and protection needed. The above are guidelines to help you choose the right Kit for your situation.
** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Supplement Schedules
Basic Immune Support Kit

Enhanced Immune Support Kit

Ultra Immune Support Kit