Have you ever experienced fatigue, weight gain or loss, depression, or anxiety for no apparent reason? The thyroid plays a crucial role in regulating your metabolism, growth, and development, and when it fails to produce the right amount of hormones, it can lead to either …
Diabetes is a complex chronic condition affecting millions of people worldwide. The traditional approach to managing diabetes is solely focused on controlling blood sugar levels. However, relying solely on this metric for evaluating the effectiveness of diabetes management overlooks critical information. Managing diabetes means more …
The Hidden Truth Behind Thyroid Dysfunction: What Do Your Symptoms Really Mean?Do you experience fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, or mood swings on a regular basis? What is the first potential cause that comes to mind? While these are considered common symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, …
The Pitfalls Of Thyroid TreatmentExcessive fatigue… unexplained weight gain… hair loss… These are all the stereotypical symptoms a medical doctor will use to diagnose thyroid dysfunction. Once problems with the thyroid are officially determined, a prescription medication to counteract the under or over production of …
The Gut-Thyroid ConnectionDid you know that your gut is one of the most important organs in your body? From digesting the food that we eat to protecting our bodies from unwanted toxins, it is the powerhouse behind many critical processes in the body – including …
Why do you really feel tired?Have you ever felt so tired that no amount of sleep seems to help? It’s normal to have periods of time where busy-ness, acute stress, or illness can temporarily zap your energy. But if you are experiencing chronic fatigue that …
The Top 6 Thyroid Supplements You Need In 2023Are you looking to support your thyroid health naturally, but not sure where to start? Unfortunately, the standard North American diet is not the best support system for hormone health, but with the right tools and consistency, …
The Crucial Thyroid Panel Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You AboutThyroid dysfunction is a common issue that affects millions of people around the world. Located in the neck, it produces hormones that regulate metabolism, energy levels, and body temperature. When the thyroid gland is not functioning …
Top Tips To Get Your Hormone Health In Check For 2023.Picture this: You’ve noticed that over the last few months, things have been feeling “off.” You’ve barely been able to make it through the day without fighting the need for a nap… Anxious thoughts have …
How Well Do You Really Know Your Body?Think back to the last time you visited your doctor’s office to address a concern you had. How much time did they spend: Discussing your personal and family medical history?Reviewing your dietary habits and nutritional intake?Analyzing your body …