Alzheimer’s Doctor California – Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. Physical activity has been shown, time and again, to prevent and treat cognitive decline. Exercise of any kind is beneficial for weight management, strength and agility, increased circulation and blood flow to the brain, detoxification, improved mood, …
Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. Managing diabetes can feel like a full-time job. Maybe worse is the endless amounts of confusing and conflicting information that make it almost possible to know how to best support health and healing. The truth is that overcoming diabetes isn’t the …
Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. Conventional medicine struggles to effectively treat or cure cognitive decline; in fact, it’s one of conventional medicine’s biggest failures in the realm of modern medicine. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is still seen as an irreversible degenerative illness. The symptoms that appear early …
Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. Balancing blood sugar is tricky if you are suffering from impaired glucose metabolism and diabetes. In healthy people, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and shuttled to cells to generate fuel. Between meals, when glucose is low, the body can use …
Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. Receiving a diagnosis and understanding that you have a thyroid problem is one thing, but knowing the root cause of your thyroid condition is another. The only way to overcome your condition is to address the causes first. Thyroid replacement therapy …
Dr. Jason Shumard, D.C. Do you suffer from thyroid dysfunction as well as erectile dysfunction? There may be more to the story than an unfortunate coincidence. The causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) can come from numerous factors; however, recent studies are finding that your thyroid …
Diabetes and Limb Loss San DiegoDiabetic complications are some of the most dreaded secondary conditions of chronic illness – with the potential to threaten lives, diabetics should make every effort possible to avoid them. Amputations are becoming the shocking new norm in southern California’s San …